Sunday, March 30, 2008

Out of small things

Out of small things - Elder Michael J. Teh,5232,23-1-775-13,00.html

There is a sentence that really caught my attention, elder Teh said: " To some degree we all depend on each other to be able to make it back to our heavenly home."

Lately I've been a little disappointed about some friendships... I sometime feel, that I try to care for others, but it doesn't go the other way around. And this week I was reading in the New Testament and was amazed how Christ never ceased to do good around him, even if the people weren't always nice to him or returning him the gesture. I read the verse where he says that when we do something to someone we do it to him. I felt really selfish thinking about my little self-centred attitude! Anyway I think service is a great remedy against selfishness and hard times, because when we do something for someone else we forget about our problems and we feel happy.
Well I agree with elder Teh, we all depend on each other to be able to make it back to our heavenly home, because we all need help and more important we all need to learn to forget about our self and help other.

So my walk this week will be to try to be a better person in doing good to the people around me, by doing small acts of kindness.

Second when I feel frustrated about how people react or act towards me, I will remember that I do it for and to Christ because I love him and because he loves each one of us!

This talk reminded me also to one of my favourite scripture, D&C 64:33 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

1 comment:

King Arthur said...


It's always lovely to read your thoughts. I'm glad to hear that even though you didn't feel inspired you exposed yourself to the talk and the ideas of Elder Teh. You came up with some simple and great thoughts as a result of going through his talk.

It's good to see too that you encouraged Mindy with a comment on her blog. So many of us just need a little smile and we rise to great heights. You're one of those smiles in my week.



Check out my thoughts on Out of Small Things at Arthur's Court.